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Dog Training Guide - Essential Skills





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



Dog Training Guide - Essential Skills(圖1)-速報App

Dog Training Guide - Essential Skills

Dog Training Guide - Essential Skills(圖2)-速報App

Having a trained dog isn’t the same as having a balanced dog, but if your dog knows a few basic commands, it can be helpful when tackling problem behaviors — existing ones or those that may develop in the future.

Dog Training Guide - Essential Skills(圖3)-速報App

So where do you start with dog obedience training? You could take a class, but it’s not necessary; you can do it yourself. In fact, with the right attitude, it can be fun for both you and your dog!

Dog Training Guide - Essential Skills(圖4)-速報App

A fast start, easy to follow training app that will have your dog obeying commands and fully trained and well-behaved in a record time! Dog Training doesn't need to be difficult, frustrating or something only professionals can do. The best way to teach is through positive training because its what keeps your dog listening and interested. Dog learn best when they want to learn. This book shows you how to optimize your dog's energy to create constructive behavior. This friendly app shows you how to select the right training method for your dog, based on his unique personality, to reach your desired goals.

Dog Training Guide - Essential Skills(圖5)-速報App

Dog Training Guide - Essential Skills(圖6)-速報App

Dog Training Guide - Essential Skills(圖7)-速報App